Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Raising European Nightcrawlers

RAISING THE AFRICAN NIGHT CRAWLER OR TROPICAL GIANT WORM.Night Crawlers- Breeding for ProfitWhite Cap with crawler, worms, night, earthworm, bugs, cartoon
european_nightcrawlers_super_red_wormsWhen it comes to worms, Raising Nightcrawlers, is also one of the most considered for worm composting. Although they’re more preferred as fish bait, and as live worm food for other animals, nightcrawlers can still be considered for composting. Although they don’t mature or reproduce as fast as red wrigglers, they can still do the job.

European Nightcrawlers and others of its kind (African and Canadian) are usually referred to as ‘Super Redworms’. But other than that, they make sumptuous treats for fish, turtles, exotic pets, and some reptiles. They’re known for their incessant twisting, and moving about on fish hooks, even when submerged in water. You can always feed them live, or have them cut into smaller pieces.

And just like their worm cousins, the red worms, the nightcrawler worms aren’t that difficult to raise. To achieve good results when raising your nightcrawlers, you must first provide them a good worm bedding (you can either make it or buy this at the market). So, as soon as you’ve gotten your fill of worm bedding (can be a mixture of peat moss and coconut coir), you can pour this in the bin, at just half full. Add some water afterwards but make sure to pour in just enough to make the bedding moist (and not soaking wet). After this, start putting in your nightcrawlers, and then put in some presoaked newspaper shreds or cardboard afterwards. Take note that you’ll have to place these on top of the bedding.

Now, what you should do next is to check the temperature of the area where you’ve placed your worm bin. Of course, placing your worms in a temperature they favor will make them thrive better. The best temperatures for them would be 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll also have to maintain a bedding that has a pH level of 6.0 to 7.0.

Also take note that aside from your worm bedding being moist (should be as damp as a wrung out sponge), it should also be kept loose. A loose and moist bedding will allow them to burrow comfortably. You’d like to keep it that way, rather than drown them from over watering their bin. Anyway, when it comes to feeding nightcrawlers, take note that they should not be fed for the first 2 to 3 days. Get them settled in their new home first. And soon after this, you may now start feeding them. You can put in all sorts of organic wastes; and they’ll eat what Red Wigglers eat. Just make sure that you don’t feed them stuff that has dairy or meat on them. Doing so will lead to a smelly bin. Plus, it will also attract unwanted pests to the worm bin.

When you’re feeding your nightcrawlers (you can feed them at least twice a week), it’s best not to mix the food wastes on the bedding. Keep the food buried in the ground for about two inches deep. This way, you’re worms will definitely have to work themselves up to eat.

After some time, they’ll be able to produce their eggs; and will be able to multiply in number soon after. And aside from making good use of them, you can actually make a profit out of selling nightcrawlers. There is a sure market of commercial growers and fishermen who are just ready to buy nightcrawlers from you. recommends the 1000 Super Reds or European Nightcrawlers

European Nightcrawlers can make really great composting worms. And unlike red worms, they can still grown as long as 6 inches (five times bigger than red worms)! They’re easy to raise, are tolerable to hot and cold temperatures, and is an excellent choice for fish bait. Order yours now!

To know more about the product, check the 1000 Super Reds or European Nightcrawlers here.

Related posts:

Feeding Red Wiggler Worms to PetsRaising Earthworms SuccessfullyAll about Nightcrawler WormsCommon Problems in Raising Red Wigglers

Tags: European Nightcrawlers, super red worms

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 15th, 2010 at 6:33 am and is filed under Worm Composting. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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