Tuesday, September 28, 2010

composting basics, compost how to make, composting methods


This article will discuss Composting Basics. Although I strongly prefer worm composting (thus the website), there are other methods that appeal to many people. Such as: traditional pile, bokashi and trenching.

I must first start with vermicomposting, using worms to compost is odor free and not space prohibitive. Browse all through this website for more information on worm composting.

Traditional piles have their advantages - for example - a pile can process a lot of materials but there are also challenges: need for increased space, critters (like possums/rats) and odors. When you are doing a tradional pile type, you must have the guidelines to be successful.

Read this article "Traditional Pile VS Worm Bins"

Bokashi is a method that uses a yogurt like culture to process your scraps. An advantage of this method is that you can process almost all items, even meat and dairy.

Trench Composting is a super simple method of digging a hole or trench and burying your scraps. A big down side to this is time and dogs. It takes a while for the scraps to break down AND dogs will dig up the goodies if you don't bury them deep enough.

What is the

Best Compost Bin? I hope this article helps you decide which composting method is right for you.

One more thing you need is a kitchen compost pail . I tried operating out of plastic bags to collect the scraps and it gets really nasty. A collection pail will make your live easier, trust me.

Once you decide which composting method is right for you, it is time to build a bin . All you have left to do is start making COMPOST!

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