Monday, September 20, 2010

Do-it-Yourself Pest Control

caterpillar attack1Getting rid of pests is not easy, but it’ll be better to catch these early. Of course, you wouldn’t want to keep the problem from getting any bigger, so it’ll be best to find a solution in killing these insects and rodents. So instead of using chemicals for killing these pests, it’ll still be advisable to use natural pest control instead (a lot safer for humans and pets). You can always choose to use your own methods; and may find a lot of handy things in the house that you can use for your do it yourself pest control project.

Here are some handy tips that you can use to get rid of the pests in your garden, yard, or in the house.

Tip 1: For pests in the garden, you can perhaps try mixing 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap, and a cup worth of cooking oil (any kind will do). Take about 3 tablespoons from this mixture, and then dilute with ¼ cup of water; and then put the contents of this mixture in a spray bottle. For another natural pesticide mix, you can probably try soaking in water some peels from citrus-based fruits. You can also put this mixture inside a spray bottle.

Tip 2: If you see quite an invasion of ants on your kitchen shelves, or in any part of your kitchen, you can always try putting some cucumber peels on these areas to put them off; or spray some water mixed with vinegar, on these areas. You can also use cinnamon to repel ants (you may apply this by sprinkling some on the ants).

Tip 3: Basil, if you will know, can also be used as an organic insecticide. You can try mixing your own by soaking some basil leaves in hot water. You should then pour the hot water with basil leaves into an aroma pot of sorts. The scent coming out of the pot will definitely keep the flies away.

Tip 4: You can also try planting your own peppermint plants at home. Peppermint can also be used as an organic pest control for mice and ants.

Tip 5: Now if you have moths wandering in your house, then you can always choose to use mint teabags to help repel these insects (another natural pest killer type). You can place these teabags either in your drawers, or in your closet. It’ll also be a good alternative to moth balls (as these expel a really off-putting smell).

There are many more do it yourself pest control methods that you can use whenever the need arises. So it’s best to practice these, and to always use a pest killer that is not toxic. But there is one more very effective method in keeping insects from infesting your garden, yard or home, and that is Sanitation. The best way to keep pest infestations from occurring is to practice proper sanitation (the best and most effective pest control method). So refrain from leaving dirty dishes in the sink, and always try to clean up after eating. You can also do some regular cleaning in the house, garden and yard as a preventive measure.

Yard Net Lawn & Yard Insect Repellent

For only $26.95, the Yard Net Lawn & Yard Insect Repellent will provide you so many beneficial stuff. It not only is safe to use around your family and pets, it won’t also harm your vegetation. It’s all natural (with cedarwood, lemon grass and citronellla contents), and also smells great! Bring this with you for outdoor gatherings (or anywhere), and see how it effectively works. Order yours now!

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Tags: natural pest control, natural pest killer, organic pest control, pest killer, pesticide

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 26th, 2010 at 6:39 am and is filed under pest control. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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